Awards and Certificates


IT Security – My Test Results!


From Our SinoMetrics Days

We translated and localized a range of items into 10 to 20 languages, such as software licenses that went in the box and digital versions, MS Certified Professional (highly technical) Exams, marketing projects, special websites, etc. Our Director of Operations drove the MCP Exam projects and deserves a lot of credit for these very thoughtful awards.

SinoMetrics Award from MSFT sinometrics award for Chia from MSFT


ELIC Your admin taught English and Econ in China from 1984 to 1986

ELIC – Your admin taught English and Economics in China from 1984 to 1986


Harbin Institute of Technology – Certificate for teaching an Economics class (in English) in the 1985-86 school year; soon after that the Chinese economy grew greatly.


Dear Mr. R. Michaelson

We are inviting you to be a consultant for the Enterprise Research Management Association of Harbin Institute of Technology.


Served as an English-Chinese Translator at the Goodwill Games in 1990.


Microsoft Certified Pro Certificate

My “close personal friend” Bill Gates signed this.


Award from First Interstate Bank, International Dept.